Liberty Hall Video Library, which has a window located in the Box Office, is home to a vast and eclectic collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays. We have the most gracious assembly of film nerds on staff to assist you, and our prices are absurdly affordable. Enjoy two-for-one rentals every day!
Everything in our catalogue is $5/per week. Late fees accrue at $1 per item, per day past the due date.
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Come in and sign up for a membership today. Be sure to ask about the Uranium Option: unlimited rentals with no late fees for just a small monthly charge.
Want to request something but you're just a shy little lad? Send us a message here using our google form and we'll get back to you ASAP!
Movies That Suck (Vampire Flicks) Mexico
Sports TV/Mystery TV/British Telly
Martial Arts Holiday Season Movies
Movies That Suck (Vampire Flicks)